How can I register?

Registration in Allianz Bank Online, the online banking system of Allianz Bank Bulgaria, is easy and takes place in three consecutive steps:

1. Filling in and submitting an application for registration electronically – Online application for registration

2. Visiting a location of Allianz Bank Bulgaria to sign a contract for Internet banking

3. Receiving access data and initial login to the system


1. Is it mandatory to submit an online application for registration?

No, submitting an online application for registration is optional. You can just visit your chosen location of Allianz Bank Bulgaria,where you will be registered and sign an Internet banking contract.

2. Is it mandatory to visit a location of the bank to sign an Internet banking contract?

Yes, in order to sign an Internet banking contract you should visit a location of the bank.

3. Can I submit an online application for registration without being a customer of the bank?

Yes, you can submit an online registration request, whether you are a customer of the bank or not yet. The moment you visit a location of the bank, you will be opened a bank account and a registration will be created in the Internet banking system.

4. After I have already submitted an online application for registration, when should I visit the bank?

You can visit a location of Allianz Bank Bulgaria immediately after sending an online application for registration, but not later than 10 calendar days after that.

5. How can I find out in more detail what features the Internet banking of Allianz Bank Bulgaria offers?

You can learn more about the features offered by Allianz E-Bank in the Functionality Guide (pdf).

6.  I have passive Internet banking. How can I switch to active Internet banking?

You need to visit a convenient office of the bank where you can state your wish.

With the so-called “passive” banking, you can:

  • check the current availability of your bank accounts (current, savings, etc.) and monitor the activities on them;
  • check your utility bills;
  • monitor your pension insurance account in Allianz Bulgaria 
  • apply for cash withdrawals, debit and credit card issuance, overdraft and consumer credit.

With active banking, you can perform a full range of banking services:

  1. Non-stop banking
    With Allianz Bank Online you can bank 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without regard to the working hours of the bank office servicing you. All you need is a computer and Internet access. 

  2. Single account
    You use only one account for online transactions, operations in a bank office, for a debit card, for payment of loan installments, as well as for payment of your insurances in Allianz Bulgaria.

  3. Real-time speed
    Every banking transaction in Allianz Bank Online is immediately reflected in the accounting system of the Bank. Intrabank transfers are executed within the accounting day. Interbank transfers are executed in terms depending on the used payment system.

  4. Account info
  • daily and periodic statements and reports for all your accounts
  • current status and credit card statement
  • loan repayment plan
  • central and trade exchange rates of Allianz Bank Bulgaria.
  • capability to export information in various formats /TXT, XML, Excel, Excel 97, SWIFT MT940/, as well as its printing.

         5. Making transfers

  • bank transfers in BGN and foreign currency in real time
  • transfers for servicing your loans and credit cards
  • mass payments
  • transfers to the budget for payment of taxes, contributions, customs duties, other liabilities
  • cashless purchase and sale of currency with the possibility of negotiating preferential rates
  • ordering of transfers in the country and abroad today, with the possibility of making the payment on a specified future date
  • request for immediate collection (direct debit) and processing of received requests for immediate collection
  • filling in the documents accompanying the transfers in an electronic version.

    6. Monthly payments

You can make your monthly payments, WITHOUT additional fees for individuals and WITHOUT a fee for interbank transfer for legal entities.
With Allianz Bank Online you can pay bills for:

  • mobile phones
  • landlines
  • electricity
  • Internet services
  • cable and satellite TV
  • heating
  • alarm and security services
  • gas
  • water
7. Payment of insurance contributions to Allianz Bulgaria

With Allianz Bank Online you have the opportunity to monitor at any time your due insurance contributions to Allianz Bulgaria (in the menu “Insurance” in the platform).
8. Information on insurance accounts in Allianz funds
You can get information about the status of your insurance accounts in the funds of Allianz Bulgaria and check:
  • current status of insurance accounts
  • movements on the insurance account
  • to make a check for missing contributions
  • to add additional funds to your voluntary fund (in case of a contract for additional contributions)
  • to receive information about the value of one unit at the time of inquiry
Additional features
  • possibility for online signing of an electronic contract for opening an online savings account and four types of deposit products;
  • use of one username and password in Allianz Bank Online, regardless of how many customers you have access rights to;
  • the ability to provide other people with access to your accounts by pre-determining the relevant access rights for each person;
  • access to the system from the 5 most used browsers – Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari. You can find more information in the Access and Authentication guide.

For your convenience, Allianz Bank offers two options for access to Allianz Bank Online:

Standard log-in - After entering a username, password and confirmation of the request in the SmartID application.

Alternative log-in - by receiving a confirmation code via SMS:

1. Enter your username and password.

2. Wait for 2 minutes without confirming log-in via the SmartID application.

3. A new home screen is displayed with the option to select "Login with SMS".

4. Enter the username, password and code received in the SMS.

Signing money transfers in Allianz Bank Online:

  • Standard - by confirming a request through the SmartID application.
  • Alternative - via SMS confirmation code, after waiting for 2 minutes, without confirming the request in the SmartID application.

General conditions for opening, maintaining and closing payment accounts of individuals and for providing payment services and instruments

Request for registration or change in the registration of a user to a client using Allianz E-bank This form is to be filled in at:

  • change of access and rights of users;
  • change of signature schemes;
  • application for registration of a token device.

Protocol for receiving a token - device and change in the security parameters when accessing Allianz E-bank
 by a user – the document is filled in the following cases:

  • forgotten username;
  • forgotten password;
  • user unblocking;
  • receipt of a token device.
  • activation, deactivation and indication of exceptions when notifying by e-mail and SMS for access to Allianz E-Bank from an IP address other than the last used one.
  • Restriction of access to Allianz Bank Online only to specified IP addresses.
  • Blocking, unlocking, deletion of PIN and syncing of a token device.
  • Request for cancellation of an ordered transfer in Allianz E-Bank –in case you want to suspend the execution of an interbank transfer in the Internet banking system

After filling in a document, you must provide it for identification and execution in a convenient location of Allianz Bank Bulgaria.

Manage your money online. With Allianz Bank Online you can open accounts and deposits.

Your money can bring you a return every minute. Save with the Internet banking system. With it you can open:

  • New online savings account
  • New standard fixed-term deposit
  • New Allianz Comfort deposit
  • New Allianz Speedup deposit

Opening an account or deposit online does not require a visit to a an office of the bank. The concluded contract is completely electronic and the newly opened account or deposit is automatically added to the customer’s registration in Allianz Bank Online.

Benefits of the online savings account:

  • you get differentiated interest depending on the amount;
  • the interest is paid at the end of each six-month period, according to the current tariff of the bank;
  • you add funds and order transfers at any time of the day;
  • you can open an online savings account without visiting a bank office or calling your bank consultant, provided that you are a customer of the Allianz E-Bank Internet banking system.

The minimum required balance for opening and maintaining an online account or deposit is 500 currency units.

If you are a customer of Allianz Bank Online, you can open an account or deposit immediately:

  • log in to the Allianz Bank Online system.
  • select “Savings” from the main menu, select a savings product from the menu on the left.
  • follow the instructions for opening Allianz Bank Online account or want to become a customer of Allianz Bank Bulgaria at the moment, you have to:
  • submit an online application for registration for the Allianz Bank Online system, “Internet Banking” button;
  • visit the most convenient bank office for you to sign a contract and open an account (if you do not have an account in the bank).

Save time with Allianz Bank Online!

Your savings are guaranteed by the bank deposit guarantee fund, in a total amount up to BGN 196 000.

Our team of experts is at your disposal to provide advice
Forms, sample contracts, templates, insurance conditions, info-sheets and other useful documents.