The bank provides a short-term loan to customers of ZAD Allianz Bulgaria Life against a pledge of a Life insurance policy.
What does loan ,,Life" from Allianz Bank Bulgaria include?
Loan ,,Life"
Loan Amount
up to 75% of the cash value of the insurance, calculated on the reserve basis at the time of setting the credit limit*
up to 1 year, with an option for renewal for a new one-year term
Type of loan:
Do you want to take advantage of our offer?
* Minimum amount – BGN 500 or their equivalent in foreign currency
*Maximum amount - BGN 50 000 or their equivalent in foreign currency
Pledge on a Life insurance policy.
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Our team of experts is at your disposal to provide advice
Find documents relevant for you
Forms, sample contracts, templates, insurance conditions, info-sheets and other useful documents.