
Allianz Bank Bulgaria opens and maintains a payment account for basic operations in BGN of local and foreign individuals* on the grounds of a concluded Framework Agreement for Opening and Servicing a Payment Account with Basic Operations.
What does a Payment Account for Basic operations from Allianz Bank Bulgaria include?
Payment account for basic operations
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Transfer of payment account
Convenience – Allianz Bank contacts the payment service provider with which you have a payment account that you wish to transfer. You can transfer not only the account balance, but also the following orders made by you:
Swiftness – you save time in the process of closing the account with the other payment service provider or ordering the balance on your account in the bank. You do not need to cancel the orders for periodic transfers and the consents for direct debits at the other provider and their re-order them at Allianz Bank. Notification for changes in your payment account to partners who make periodic transfers to you can be done by us.
In addition, you have the opportunity to benefit from all products and services offered by Allianz Bank Bulgaria at competitive fees and commissions.
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