Student and Doctoral-Candidate Loans

We do not learn for school,
but for life!

Lucius Seneca

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for the whole or for a part of the period of study
Fixed annual interest rate
7 %
You do not owe fees, commissions or other expenses
Students and doctoral candidates who study in accredited universities in Bulgaria and at the same time meet the following requirements:
  • to be Bulgarian citizens, citizens of another Member State of the European Union, of another country of the European Economic Area or of the Swiss Confederation;
  • have not attained the age of 35 years;
  • are studying full-time;
  • have not acquired the same educational and qualification or   educational    and academic degree;
  • have not been suspended and have not interrupted their instruction.
The entitlement to a loan for living expenses shall arise upon birth or full adoption of a child during the instruction. This entitlement shall be enjoyed by the parent who exercises the parental rights, and if both parents exercise the said rights- by only one of the parents.

Loan amount
The loan for payment the tuition fees is equal to the due fees for the remaining term of study of the borrower according to the curriculum of the respective major and educational qualification degree, or educational scientific degree.
The loan for living expenses is formed as a sum of the semester expenses for the remaining term of study of the borrower. The semester expenses are equal to the minimum wage multiplied by the number of months during the respective semester.

Interest rates
Fixed annual interest rate: 7%.
The borrower does not owe any fees, commissions or other costs associated with the granting and management of the loan.

The loan for payment of tuition fees is utilized by transfers to the bank account of the higher school or research organization within the period specified in the loan agreement, but not later than the last date for payment of the tuition fee for the respective semester.

The loan for living expenses is utilized by transfers to the borrower’s account at the beginning of each semester according to the loan agreement.

Grace period

The period in which the student / doctoral candidate does not owe interest and principal on the loan. The grace period lasts from the conclusion of the agreement until the expiration of one year from the first date for conducting the last state exam or defense of a diploma thesis, according to the curriculum.

Loan repayment begins one month after the expiration of the grace period according to a repayment plan agreed between the parties. The borrower repays the total amount of the loan in equal monthly installments within 10 years from the end of the grace period.
  • Copy of an identity document
  • Document (Certificate) certifying the capacity of a student or doctoral candidate with the right to enrollment for the next semester
  • Loan application according to a form

When applying for a loan for living expenses, the following documents are additionally provided:

  • A copy of the birth certificate in which the student or doctoral candidate is indicated as a parent
  • A copy of an effective court decision upholding the request for adoption and in which the student or doctoral candidate is named as an adoptive parent
  • A document issued by a higher education institution or research organization certifying that the student or doctoral candidate had such a capacity in the year of birth or adoption of the child.
Our team of experts is at your disposal to provide advice
Forms, sample contracts, templates, insurance conditions, info-sheets and other useful documents.