Mark Twain


The Work&Travel loan gives you the opportunity to embark on the adventure without worrying about the costs. Join a program for work and cultural exchange and take advantage of the special conditions for financing the expenses from Allianz Bank.
The Work&Travel loan is intended for students who are Bulgarian citizens and have been approved for participation in a Work&Travel program.
What does a Work & Travel Loan from Allianz Bank Bulgaria include?
Credit Work&Travel
Loan Amount
from BGN 1,000 to 10,000
from 1 to 72 months
Grace Period
up to 12 months without payment of interest and principal
Do you want to take advantage of our offer?
Interest rates: 6.90 % variable interest rate

For 25 years now, Integral has been helping Bulgarian students find the best opportunity for their education, becoming one of the leading companies in Bulgaria offering the Work and Travel program! The best job offers, a wide variety of locations and employers, constant support and positive emotions combined in one sentence – Work and Travel by Integral.
Do you need help?
Our team of experts is at your disposal to provide advice

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Forms, sample contracts, templates, insurance conditions, info-sheets and other useful documents.