Who is this insurance for?

The insurance covers the liability of the insured in their capacity of:
Limits of indemnity for Private Liability
Third Party Liability
Any claim (including series of claims)
The Insurer covers the liability of the Insured for the material and non-material damages caused by him as a result of bodily Injury or property damage caused by him to third parties, which are a direct and immediate result of the Insurance Event. The damages must have been caused during the Insurance Coverage Period and be a result of the risks of daily life (except for those arising from production / trade / professional activity or from an unusual / dangerous occupation of the Insured).
All claims during the insurance period
The Insurer covers the liability of the Insured for the material and non-material damages caused by him as a result of bodily Injury or property damage caused by him to third parties, which are a direct and immediate result of the Insurance Event. The damages must have been caused during the Insurance Coverage Period and be a result of the risks of daily life (except for those arising from production / trade / professional activity or from an unusual / dangerous occupation of the Insured).
Learn more about Private Liability
The insurance provides safety and peace of mind in cases where the insured legally liable to pay on the basis of claims of third parties as compensation of damages, caused during the insurance period, as well as the costs of settling claims approved by Allianz Bulgaria.
Private Liability for Individuals is also designed for:
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* At the price of a fixed call to number 0700