The interest is paid at the maturity of the deposit.
The interest rates on standard foxed-term deposits are determined according to the Tariff for Interest Rates, Fees and Commissions of the bank.
The standard term deposit may be terminated at any time before the expiration of the deposit term. In case of cash withdrawal, the customer owes fees according to the Tariff for Interest Rates, Fees and Commissions of the bank, Section – Cash Operations.
In case of early termination, the deposit account is closed and the bank pays the customer interest in an amount equal to the interest rate on a current account in the respective currency.
In case of early termination, the deposit account is closed and the bank pays the customer interest in an amount equal to the interest rate on a current account in the respective currency.
At maturity, the deposit agreement is automatically renewed under the effective interest rates and for the same period, provided that the customer has not expressed a wish to terminate the deposit agreement.
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