to provide adequate protection for you and your favorite car.

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Motor Third Party Liability
The compulsory Motor Third Party Liability Insurance covers pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages caused to third parties as a result of the use of a motor vehicle.
Legal Expenses
Includes the costs incurred by the driver of the motor vehicle for filing and/or proving a court claim, as well as the costs in the course of court proceedings in Bulgaria for non-pecuniary damages suffered in connection with a traffic accident.
Road Side Assistance (base)
Includes services and assistance in the event of an accident of the motor vehicle (e.g. repair on site or transport to the nearest repair shop).
Personal Accident (base)
Covers risks related to the life, health or physical integrity of the driver and passengers in the vehicle as a result of a traffic accident that occurred during the movement or stay of the vehicle (including getting in or out of it).
Natural Perils
Covers damages to motor vehicles directly caused by hail, storm, flood, torrential rain, lightning, fall of ice pieces or snow mass, earth collapse or landslide, volcanic action.
Fire, Explosion, Implosion
Covers damages to the motor vehicle directly caused by fire, explosion and implosion, including the cost of cleaning the interior of the passenger compartment.
Animal Collision
Covers damages to the motor vehicle directly caused by an animal collision if the event is attended by the competent authorities and they issued official record for the event.
Personal Accident (extended)
Covers risks under basic coverage at higher limits of liability.
Road Side Assistance (extended)
To the base coverage, additional services in the event of an accident of the motor vehicle are added, such as: Replacement car, hotel accommodation, replacement of a flat tire or fuel delivery, transport of the driver and passengers, etc.
Theft and Robbery
Covers theft/robbery of the entire motor vehicle or partial loss to the motor vehicle, when it is discovered before the payment of the indemnity for theft/robbery of the entire motor vehicle, and this partial loss is covered according to your package;
Glass/ windshields
Covers damages related to breaking or damage of the car’s windshield, side glasses or its glass ceiling when there are no other damages from the same insurance event.
Covers damage to the motor vehicle due to malicious actions of third parties, incl. vandalism, intentional arson and detonation.
Traffic accident or own damage (parking)
Covers damage directly caused by a traffic accident or collision with and/or an impact by other physical objects where this is no traffic accident.
Financial loss from vehicle impairment (where applicable)
In case of paid insurance indemnity under Casco for an Insurance event leading to Total loss of the vehicle (total damage, theft or robbery), we will pay compensation for your financial loss as a result of the impairment of the vehicle. The insurance indemnity under the coverage is defined as the difference between the total Insurance amount under Casco, concluded within 6 months from the date of first registration of the vehicle and its actual value as of the date of the Insurance event, which led to Total Loss.

What to do in case of damage?

Call us. Our experts will provide you with competent assistance.
You need help on the road?  Call 070013014 and benefit your road side assistance coverage, 24/7.
Track the progress of your claim with our Claims Tracker digital tool


You can pay the insurance premium or a separate installment: on our bank account; remotely via E-pay; in each of our offices or in one of Easy Pay’s branches.  
If you have left a mobile phone number or email, you will receive a reminder SMS/email message within 7 days after the due date of your payment. In case you do not pay on time, the insurance will be terminated according to the agreed terms in the policy.
All changes to the insurance should be made in writing with an annex to the policy.
Inform the competent authorities (including call the emergency number 112) and us of the occurrence of the insurance event. You can choose how to make your claim by preparing the relevant proofs under item 2.4.1 of the Benefits Guide depending on the insurance event. You can contact the 24-hour assistance center at 0700 13 014.
Contact us and we will guide you in the most appropriate way depending on the type of event. 

It is important to notify the police immediately and follow their instructions. You can use the emergency number 112 for this purpose;

  • Contact us within 25 hours in one of the ways outlined in section 2.4.1 of the Benefits Guide;
  • In case of theft or robbery, you must visit one of our offices within 25 hours after finding out.  
In case of an insurance event under MTPL insurance you must notify us within 7 business days. In case of theft/robbery of the car, the notification deadline is 25 hours after finding out and in case the deadline expires on a non-business day – by the end of the first business day after the expiration of the 25-hour deadline. In all other cases under a MOD insurance as well as the Personal Accident and Legal Expenses, you must notify us within 5 business days.
You must provide us with your vehicle for inspection within 5 business days of notification of the insurance event. It is important that you do not repair your vehicle before we perform the damages’ inspection.
We are obliged to determine, pay or refuse a reasoned payment within no more than 15 business days upon receiving all the necessary documents and proofs under the insurance event.


If the car is covered by the scope of Road Side Assistance, call 0700 13 014 and we will give you clear and precise instructions on what to do and, if necessary, we will send the emergency road services to assist you on the spot.

You must carry a Green Card certificate when traveling for: Republic of Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Republic of Belarus; Republic of Northern Macedonia; Islamic Republic of Iran; Montenegro; Kingdom of Morocco; Russian Federation; Republic of Moldova; Republic of Tunisia; Republic of Turkey; Ukraine; Republic of Azerbaijan.
As soon as you find out that you have lost, damaged or completely destroyed your Green Card certificate, contact us for specific guidance. We will issue you a new Green Card.
When transferring the ownership of the car you need to take the insurance documents from the previous owner. You and the previous owner must notify us in writing for the transfer within 7 days and provide us with a copy of the contract.