Voluntary pension fund with occupational schemes

In youth we learn, in age we understand

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Supplementary voluntary retirement provision with occupational schemes

This form of retirement provision has to be an element of a collective agreement (CA) or a collective labour agreement (CLA) whereby an employer together with its employees outline the terms and scope of provision, pension payment types and the pensionable contribution amount, according to the member allocation method specified by them. The criteria for differentiation are determined in compliance with the needs of each employer to attract, retain experts and stimulate employees' professional development.


Having stipulated the basic parameters of retirement provision which the sponsoring undertaking wishes to realize, the company performs all the necessary procedures for the scheme registration with the Financial Supervision Commission and for its management. For that purpose, the sponsoring undertaking concludes a retirement provision contract with the company, presenting the collective agreement, respectively a transcript of the CLA, with the terms of the occupational scheme and a list of the covered pension fund members.



Appendix no. 3b to Art. 13, para. 3 of Ordinance no. 3 of 24 September 2003 on the procedure and manner of switching participation and transferring the pension fund member account accumulation from one supplementary retirement provision fund to another fund of the same type managed by another pension company

Basic information to pension fund members upon retirement provision contract conclusion with Allianz Bulgaria VPFOS

Appendix no. 3 to Art. 5, para. 2 of FSC Ordinance no. 61 of 27 September 2018 regarding the requirements to the advertising and written information materials and webpages of pension companies

Rules of operation of Allianz Bulgaria Voluntary Pension Fund with Occupational Schemes

Investment policy of Allianz Bulgaria Voluntary Pension Fund with Occupational Schemes

DRAFT OF A CONTRACT for supplementary voluntary retirement provision with Occupational schemes

CONTRACT for a deferred payment from Allianz Bulgaria Voluntary Pension Fund with Occupational Schemes

PENSION CONTRACT of Allianz Bulgaria Voluntary Pension Fund with Occupational Schemes

FUND SWITCHING APPLICATION of VPF with occupational schemes

Announcements about the amendments and supplements to the Rules of operation and the investment policy are published in Trud and 24 Hours newspapers.

The announcement of the latest amendments to the Rules of operation of Allianz Bulgaria Voluntary Pension Fund with Occupational Schemes, approved by Decision No. 223 – ДПФ ПС / 29.03.2022 of the Financial Supervision Commission, was published on 31.03.2022 in Trud and 24 Hours newspapers.

Our team of experts is at your disposal to provide advice about retirement provision opportunities with POD Allianz Bulgaria
We have created a special section where the necessary documents, applications and forms are available.