Why choose agricultural insurance?

Our products
The harvest of following crops can be insured:
Quantitative damages on the harvest due to:
In case of insurance of ornamental plants and newly created permanent crops as tangible fixed assets damages shall be paid only in case of complete destruction of insured plants.
Covered risks are divided into groups. Choose the group that will ensure maximum protection of your investment in crops. You can also combine individual risks, i.e. include and exclude some perils.
Rates and sums insured
The rates for the individual risk groups are calculated on the basis of long statistical observations and are divided into classes according to the geographical manifestation of the risks.
Sums insured
The sums insured under which the crops are insured are negotiated depending on their production capacity.
When concluding insurance contracts, discounts apply as follows:
There is a possibility for payment of the premium in several installments.
Insurer’s liability
The insurer’s liability starts depending on the type of crop:
Liability continues until the time of full harvest, but not later than the usual time for the specific area. For newly created permanent crops, it is annual.
Payment of indemnities
Upon occurrence of an insurance event, the insured notifies Allianz Bulgaria in writing within five days.
The payment of calculated indemnities is made within 14 days after completing the claim, proving the ground and the amount of the indemnity due and after harvesting the respective crop.
The following are insured:
Sums insured for the individual species of animals and birds are agreed by mutual consent.
Insurance coverages
Risks covered:
The Insurer is liable for the risks of “fire”, “natural catastrophe” and “accident” from 00:00 on the day after the those on which the insurance premium was paid, and for diseases – after a 20-day quarantine period.
Insurance premium and term
Premium: The insurance premium for the individual species of animals and birds is calculated according to tariffs in accordance with risk statistics and long-term observations.
There is a possibility for payment of the premium in several installments.
Term: The maximum term of the insurance is 1 year.
Payment of indemnities
Upon occurrence of an insurance event, the insured must immediately notify the veterinarian serving the animals, and on the first working day – Allianz Bulgaria.