Allianz Healthcare Abroad

Access to the best specialists in Europe

Covers treatment expenses up to EUR 2 million throughout the whole policy operation.
Affordable product for the whole family

Financial support in difficult times



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Malignant growth
Treatment of any malignant tumor.
Coronary artery bypass surgery (myocardial re-vascularization)

Performance of an operation with bypass grafts.

Heart valve replacement or repair

The invasive replacement or repair of one or more heart valves advice by  Consultant Cardiologist.


Surgical intervention of the brain and/or other intracranial structures, incl. removal of benign tumors of the spinal cord.
Live-donor organ Transplant

Surgical transplant in which the Insured receives a kidney, a segment of liver, a pulmonary lobe or a section of pancreas from another living compatible donor.


Bone Marrow Transplant

Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) or Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation(PBSCT) of bone marrow cells to the Insured originating from - Autologous or allogeneic bone marrow transplant.


  • Covers treatment expenses up to EUR 2 million throughout the whole policy duration.  
  • You receive a Medical Second opinion, the examinations are performed by world-renowned specialists, and the treatment or surgical intervention is performed in the best medical institutions in the world, excl. USA, Japan and Switzerland.
  •  Reimbursement of expenses related to purchase in the Republic of Bulgaria medications following treatment abroad up to EUR 50 thousand throughout the whole policy operation.


Policy duration is one year and can be renewed for the next period.



  • Bank transfer
  • E-Pay
  • Internet / Mobile banking from Allianz Bank
  • EasyPay Payment options
  • Direct debit from the customer’s account
In case of insurance event please  contact Best Doctors correspondent in Bulgaria
Dalai Lama
We provide insurance protection for major events in your life.