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Our Products
Intended for:
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with total sum insured up BGN 500 000.
Basic cover
The subject of insurance is buildings and content owned by or in care, custody and control of the Insured. In case of mortgaged or pledged property, the financing bank can be appointed beneficiary. The basic cover includes damages and losses resulted from:
The coverage may be extended to include:
Sum Insured
The basis of valuation is actual or replacement value.
Insurance premium
It is calculated on the Sum Insured in correlation with covered perils, protection measures and other rating factors.
Industrial Fire insurance is intended for:
The subject of insurance is buildings and contents owned by or in care, custody and control of the Insured..
In case of mortgaged or pledged property, the financing bank can be appointed as beneficiery.
Basic cover
It includes damages and losses as a result of:
The territorial scope includes the address of the location indicated in the policy.
Coverage extension
The coverage may be extended to include:
The territorial scope includes the address of the location indicated in the policy.
Sum Insured
The basis of valuation are the actual, replacement or accounting value.
Insurance premium
It is calculated on the basis of sum insured, covered perils, type of business, protection measures and other rating factors.
All risks insurance is intended for businesses:
The subject of insurance is buildings and content owned by or in care, custody and control of the Insured. In case of mortgaged or pledged property financing bank can be appointed as beneficiary.
Insurance coverage
This is “all risks” insurance, covering damages resulting from any sudden, accidental and unforeseen events within the policy period, except for the explicit exclusions specified in the policy terms and conditions. This type of insurance covers
The coverage is valid with respect to the address indicated in the policy.
Sum Insured
The basis of valuation are the actual, replacement or accounting value, whichever is chosen by the applicant.
Insurance premium
It is calculated on the basis of sum insured in correlation to covereage, business type, security and protection measures and other rating factors.
Subject of the insurance
This coverage can be placed only for content owned by or in care, custody and control of the Insured, which is covered by an existing FIre and natural perils policy with us.
Basic cover includes loss of property due to:
Coverage extension - coverage may be extended to include:
The territorial scope is the address indicated in the policy
Sum Insured
The basis of valuation are actual, replacement or accounting values.
Insurance premium
It is calculated on the basis of the sum insured in correlation with business activity, security and protection measures and other rating factors.
What does this insurance cover?
Cash owned by or in care, custody and control of the Insured during its transportation from cash box to cash box. The product is intended to legal entities whose activity includes transportation of cash (banks, financial brokerage houses, exchange bureaus, collection companies).surance is subject to certain requirements for transport conditions depending on the single transit limit
Basic cover
It includes damages and losses of money as a result of robbery according to Art. 198 of the Criminal Code.
Coverage extension
The coverage may be extended to include damages due to robbery during acceptance, handover, transfer, loading or unloading in connection with the transport, and/or in case of fire in the vehicle as a result of a traffic accident by which the transport is performed.
Limits of liability
Limit of liability is set for a single transit and in aggregate for all transits during the policy period are agreed.
Insurance premium
It is calculated on the basis of the limits, experience, protection and security measures and other rating factors.
Business interruption insurance is offered in two options:
Loss of income due to fire and natural perils
The coverage includes losses and/or expenses (decreased gross profit, fixed costs, etc.) as a direct result of complete or partial business interruption due to an insurance event affecting buildings or content with the exception of goods and finished products, which are coverd by our:
for the period from the event to the elimination of its consequences, but not more than the maximum period of compensation as specified in the policy.
Additional costs
The coverage includes the extra costs* for the business activity of the insured exceeding the usual ones, including those related to:
* The costs refer to the period from the event to the elimination of its consequences, but not more than the agreed maximum period of compensation.